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Category Archives: Notebook on Cities and Culture

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E12: Good Old Shareware with Stan James

Colin Marshall sits down in San Francisco’s Mission at the Noisebridge hacker space with Stan James, founder of Lijit, creator of the first browser-based massively multiplayer games, co-host of the 7th Kingdom podcast, and author of a book in progress on technology and our minds. They discuss Noisebridge itself and its almost Utopian qualities; how the […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E11: Authenticity v. Utopia with Jonathon Keats

Colin Marshall sits down somewhere in between San Francisco’s Chinatown, Nob Hill, and Russian Hill with conceptual artist, experimental philosopher, and writer Jonathon Keats, author of the upcoming book Forged: Why Fakes Are the Great Art of Our Age. They discuss his own role as, above all, a fake; his attempt to epigenetically clone such […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E10: Eco Chamber with Ethan Nosowsky

Colin Marshall sits down in San Francisco’s Mission with Ethan Nosowsky, Editorial Director at McSweeney’s. They discuss security breaches at the McSweeney’s office by overenthusiastic fans seeking a physical connection to their favorite publisher of physical books; his tendency to act as “the Joe Lieberman of publishing” in his editorial career, carrying unchanging tastes through […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E9: Beautiful Abstractions with Josh Kornbluth

Colin Marshall sits down at downtown San Francisco’s Contemporary Jewish Museum with monologist Josh Kornbluth. They discuss the proper pronunciation of the word “monologist”; his simultaneous return to the practice of oboe-playing and late entry into things Jewish; the question of whether Andy Warhol is “good for the Jews,” and how he spun it into a […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E8: Paris Legitimizes with Daniel Levin Becker

Colin Marshall sits down in San Francisco’s Castro with Daniel Levin Becker, member of the experimental literary group Oulipo, reviews editor at the Believer, and author of Many Subtle Channels: In Praise of Potential Literature. They discuss whether Oulipo membership impresses the ladies; his earlier, long pre-Oulipo days, when he would make mixtapes consisting entirely […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E7: Corporate Refuge with Christin Evans and Praveen Madan

Colin Marshall sits down in a back room in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury with Christin Evans and Praveen Madan, owners and transformers of The Booksmith, and now Kepler’s in Menlo Park. They discuss being deemed “corporate refugees” by their employees for their tech consulting past; creating a positive, aspirational experience that doesn’t make bookstores seem like […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E6: Inconsiderable Things with Steve Roden

Colin Marshall sits down in a Wallace Neff dome in Pasadena with visual and sound artist Steve Roden. They discuss whether art can exist without constraints; his enthusiasm for “dumb ideas,” such as painting with his mouth; the influence of Buckminster Fuller’s Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, which he found in a gutter as a […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E5: The “Kiss Me, Stupid” Date with Karina Longworth

Colin Marshall sits down in Sliver Lake with Karina Longworth, film writer at the LA Weekly, co-founder of the film-culture blog Cinematical, and author of the upcoming Masters of Cinema: George Lucas. They discuss the public fascination with criticism versus blogging; J. Hoberman‘s notion of criticism as reporting what it feels like to be in […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E4: The Maybe Pile with Carolyn Kellogg

Colin Marshall sits down in Echo Park with Carolyn Kellogg, writer on books and publishing for the Los Angeles Times and their literary blogJacket Copy, board member at the National Book Critics Circle, and formerly the blogger and podcaster behind Pinky’s Paperhaus. They discuss what happens when the interviewer becomes an interviewee; her use of early internet radio as […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E3: Jetpacks and Flying Cars with Chris Nichols

Colin Marshall sits down below the mid-Wilshire offices of Los Angeles magazine with its associate editor Chris Nichols, the man behind the Ask Chris column and blog, former chair of the Los Angeles Conservancy Modern Committee, and author of The Leisure Architecture of Wayne McAllister. They discuss the importance of the now-empty Johnie’s Coffee Shop on Wilshire […]