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I’m Colin Marshall, a Seoul-based essayist, broadcaster, and public speaker on cities, language, and culture.

You’ll find my essays here. I write for outlets including the New Yorker, Guardian CitiesOpen Culture, the Times Literary Supplement, the Los Angeles Review of Books (including its Korea Blog), KCETBoom: A Journal of California (and guest-edited its issue on architecture, infrastructure, and the built environment), Bookforum, Boing Boing, Put This On, The Japan Foundation, The Millions3QuarksdailyThe Quarterly Conversation, and Maximum Fun.

Each month I appear on a Seoul urbanism radio feature on TBS eFM’s Koreascape. Previously, I hosted and produced the world-traveling podcast Notebook on Cities and Culture [RSS] [iTunes], which evolved from the public radio program The Marketplace of Ideas. 

My video essay series The City in Cinema examines cities (especially Los Angeles) as they appear on film.

My public speaking tends to cover the same suite of subjects referenced above, especially cities in cinema. I’ve presented at events like Portland and Los Angeles: The Cities in Cinema at the Hollywood Theatre and the San Francisco Urban Film Festival as well as at schools like Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Chapman University, and California State University Long Beach. If you’ve got any inquiries, please do feel free to send them along to the e-mail address below.

You can keep up with me on Twitter and Facebook as well.

contact: colinjmarshall at gmail

photo: Noé Montes

Recent press and guest appearances: