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Category Archives: Notebook on Cities and Culture

Only two days (and one season sponsorship) left to fund Notebook on Cities and Culture — and to demand more interviews

As of this writing, the Kickstarter fund drive for Notebook on Cities and Culture‘s first season has raised $2386. The original funding goal asked for $999 to cover the production of a 24-interview season, but when the drive blew past $999 in about eight hours, I decided to add another incentive: for each $250 raised […]

The Notebook on Cities and Culture season on Kickstarter Campaign goes live…

… right this moment. You can pledge or just keep an eye on the drive’s progress at the show’s Kickstarter project page. We’re aiming for $999 in pledges to fund the first season, i.e., the first three months, i.e. the first 24 hour-long interviews. You can pledge any amount like, starting from one dollar. But […]

Introducing, audio- and video-previewing, and (on Thursday) Kickstarting Notebook on Cities and Culture

I give you The Marketplace of Ideas‘ replacement, and the next evolutionary stage of my grand project to deliver cultural conversation of the depth you demand: Notebook on Cities and Culture, debuting February 2012. Well, scheduled to debut in February 2012, anyway. In the new show, I’ll sit down twice a week with cultural creators, […]