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Category Archives: Canada

Podthoughts: Allan Gregg in Conversation

Vital stats: Format: interviews about politics, history, science, and culture, both Canadian and non- Episode duration: 8-28m Frequency: 10-20 per month Though it strays more often than it used to, I do keep an eye on Canadian politics. I do it for the same reason I keep an ear on Canadian media. The products and […]

A Colin Classic: Trav’lin man

[NOTE: Since this post, a popular one (by my standards, anyway) I wrote in 2008, has relevance to this week’s Podthought, I figured I’d re-post it. You can still find it in its original context in my old blogs but, ehh, why bother with links. My attitude toward Travel People has grown more charitable in […]

Podthoughts: The Vinyl Countdown

Vital stats: Format: Canadians talking about everything and nothing, continually ratcheting up the stakes of elaborately unappealing sex or general disgustingness, usually in public Episode duration: 30m-1h30m Frequency: 3-9 per month “A bunch of guys get drunk at a bar, and some dickhead keeps recording it.” The prospect does not immediately appeal. Several of you […]