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Category Archives: Notebook on Cities and Culture

Notebook on Cities and Culture S3E1: Buoyancy and Poignancy with Pico Iyer

Colin Marshall sits down in Nara, Japan’s Nara Hotel with writer of place Pico Iyer, author of such books as Video Night in Kathmandu, The Lady and the Monk, The Global Soul, and most recently The Man Within My Head. They discuss the discovery that Japan looks exactly like Japan, and the “piercing sense of […]

It’s down to 12 hours to make Notebook on Cities and Culture’s third season possible on Kickstarter

We’ve got 266 more dollars to raise and so little time to raise it in — less than twelve hours, to be somewhat more precise. The Kickstarter fund drive for Notebook on Cities and Culture‘s third season runs until 5 a.m. Pacific time on December 21st. If by that moment we haven’t raised the full $4000 goal, none of […]

Season three’s Kickstarter drive: on now, 63% funded, and less than two days to go

The third season of Notebook on Cities and Culture goes to Kyoto, Osaka, Mexico City, Vancouver, and elsewhere, giving you more in-depth conversations with cultural creators, internationalists, and observers of the urban scene, but only if we raise its $4000 budget on Kickstarter. That Kickstarter drive is going on right now, until December 21st, and has entered its final […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E27: A Productive Obscurantism with Tom Lutz

Notebook on Cities and Culture‘s upcoming third season will take it to Japan, Mexico City, Vancouver, and elsewhere — if, and only if, we raise $4000 to fund it. For details on how you can help the show go fully international, visit its Kickstarter page, where the fund drive runs now to December 21st. Colin […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture’s season three Kickstarter drive begins now

It’s on! We now have a week to raise for $4000 needed for the third season of Notebook on Cities and Culture, which will take us to Kyoto, Osaka, Mexico City, Vancouver, and beyond in search of more in-depth conversation with cultural creators, internationalists, and observers of the urban scene. If you’d like to back […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E26: Dial M for Murderousness with Jay Caspian Kang

Colin Marshall sits down in Los Angeles’ Sunset Triangle with Jay Caspian Kang, editor at sports and pop culture site Grantland and author of the novel The Dead Do Not Improve. They discuss his youthful Midnight in Paris dream of drinking in red leather bars with dead authors; the racy science fiction of L. Ron […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E25: Feel Literary with Adrian Todd Zuniga

Colin Marshall sits down at Hugo’s Tacos in Los Angeles’ Atwater Village with Adrian Todd Zuniga, founding editor of Opium magazine and impresario behind the international reading series Literary Death Match. They discuss what might make Los Angeles “the new Berlin”; his aim to make the city the literary center of the world by 2022; the hatred […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture in Kyoto, Osaka, Vancouver, Mexico City and beyond — Kickstarting December 14th

This season, Notebook on Cities and Culture has brought you in-depth conversation with cultural creators, internationalists, and observers of the urban scene in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland. Next season, we’re going fully international, to Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Kobe, Vancouver, Mexico City, and maybe even beyond — on top, naturally, of your usual dose of Los Angeles. […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E24: Every Part of the Pig with Camas Davis

Colin Marshall sits down in Portland’s Pearl District with Camas Davis, food writer and founder of the Portland Meat Collective. They discuss why bacon has hit the zeitgeist so hard; her interest in fostering an “alternative economy of meat”; her former career writing travel pieces, which invariably and instinctively became food pieces; her education in […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S2E23: Stumptown Shaolin with Dan Halsted

Colin Marshall sits down in the basement of Portland’s Hollywood Theatre with Dan Halsted, head programmer there and founder of the 35mm Shaolin Archive. They discuss fake Bruce Lee films; his adventure of rescuing classic kung-fu film prints, including gems like The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter and The Boxer’s Omen from a shuttered, junkie-surrounded theater in Vancouver; his […]