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It’s down to 12 hours to make Notebook on Cities and Culture’s third season possible on Kickstarter

We’ve got 266 more dollars to raise and so little time to raise it in — less than twelve hours, to be somewhat more precise. The Kickstarter fund drive for Notebook on Cities and Culture‘s third season runs until 5 a.m. Pacific time on December 21st. If by that moment we haven’t raised the full $4000 goal, none of the backers will have to pay anything, but the season won’t happen: no Kyoto, no Osaka, no Mexico City, no Vancouver, no elsewhere. (Especially no elsewhere.)

If you know others who have backed previous seasons and/or would be interested in backing this one, they can find out how to help the show deliver in-depth interviews with cultural creators, internationalists, and observers of the urban scene on a fully international scale at its Kickstarter page. (They’ll also find out how to therefore get mentioned on the show, or to get their project or message talked up on one or all of season three’s episodes.) The conversations may be long, but the time to make them possible has run short indeed. Thanks.

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