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Category Archives: Changwon

Notebook on Cities and Culture’s complete Korea Tour

You can download every individual interview by following the links below: Hyunwoo Sun, founder of the Talk to Me in Korean language-learning podcast empire Bernie Cho, president of DFSB Kollective, a creative agency that provides digital media, marketing, and distribution services to Korean pop music artists Laurence Pritchard, writer, teacher, enthusiast of Korean literature, and […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture’s Korea Tour: One Long Bike Party with Coby Zeifman

Notebook on Cities and Culture‘s Korea Tour is brought to you by Daniel Murphy, David Hayes, and The Polar Intertia Journal, an outlet for artists and researchers documenting the urban condition. In Changwon, “Environmental Capital of South Korea,” Colin Marshall talks with Coby Zeifman, former outreach coordinator for Nubija, the city’s bike share system. They discuss […]