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Notebook on Cities and Culture season four begins August 1st

Once again, thanks very much indeed to all you listeners who  backed Notebook on Cities and Culture‘s fourth season on Kickstarter. The planning begun as soon as the drive ended, and now it pleases me to announce that the season will premiere on Thursday, August 1st. We’ll start off in Los Angeles, then move on to Copenhagen and London in the fall, and then to Toronto in the spring. If you have any suggestions of cultural creators, internationalists, and observers of the urban scene whom you’d like to hear interviewed in those cities, please do let ’em rip (to colinjmarshall at gmail, specifically). Make sure you don’t miss an episode by subscribing on iTunes.

In the meantime, consider tiding yourself over with the interviews I’ve hosted and produced for the Los Angeles Review of Books podcast, including most recently literary historian Loren Glass on Grove Press, Tosh Berman on Sparks, David Shook on translating Mexican novelist Mario Bellatin, and Jeff Weiss with Evan McGarvey on Biggie and 2pac.

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