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Category Archives: Notebook on Cities and Culture

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E58: Things Truly Torontonian with Denise Balkissoon

At Toronto’s Queen and Logan, Colin Marshall talks with Denise Balkissoon, co-founder of The Ethnic Aisle and writer on a variety of Torontonian subjects from multiculturalism to real estate for publications like Toronto Life, the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, and The Grid. They discuss her reputation as an astute observer of the multiculture; what happens at the intersection of multiculturalism […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E57: The Magnet with Russell Smith

In Toronto’s Bloordale, Colin Marshall talks with Russell Smith, author of such novels as How Insensitive, Noise, Muriella Pent, and Girl Crazy, as well as style and culture columns in The Globe and Mail, the book Men’s Style: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Dress, and the e-book Blindsided: How Twenty Years of Writing About Booze, Drugs and Sex Ended in the Blink […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E56: All In with Dylan Reid

Near Toronto’s Danforth, Colin Marshall talks to Dylan Reid, senior editor at Spacing magazine, former co-chair of the Toronto Pedestrian Committee, and co-founder of Walk Toronto. They discuss whether the term “pedestrianism” has become as unappealing as the term “classical music”; the nature of the Danforth and its Greek roots; spatial ways to think about one’s walks; the quintessentially […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E55: The Rules of the Game with Jaime Woo

Above Toronto’s Glad Day Bookshop, Colin Marshall talks to Jaime Woo, writer, game designer, co-founder of the Toronto video game festival Gamercamp (the next edition of which happens this month), and author of Meet Grindr: How One App Changed the Way We Connect. They discuss taking the measure of a city by firing up Grindr and […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E54: The Freedom to Be Foolish with Mark Frauenfelder

Colin Marshall sits down in Studio City with Mark Frauenfelder, founder of the popular zine-turned-blog Boing Boing, founding co-editor of Make magazine, and author of Maker Dad: Lunch Box Guitars, Antigravity Jars, and 22 Other Incredibly Cool Father-Daughter DIY Projects. They discuss whether he still thinks about Los Angeles dingbat apartments, and the extent to which their owners have […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E53: A Certain Inertia with James Steele

Colin Marshall sits down at the University of Southern California with School of Architecture professor James Steele, author of many books on architecture and architects, including, just over twenty years ago, Los Angeles Architecture: The Contemporary Condition. They discuss the how the city’s conflict with “autopia” has gone since then; the obsolescence of not just the freeways, but […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E52: The Big Pond with Pete Mitchell

Colin Marshall sits down in Pasadena with Pete Mitchell, visual artist, game designer, zombie enthusiast, and lead singer and co-founder of the band No More Kings, whose latest album III came out this year. They discuss now as an opportune time to be into zombies; how his mom got him into not just zombie movies […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E51: “Just” Mexican Food with Javier Cabral

Colin Marshall sits down in Highland Park with Javier Cabral, the “food, booze, and punk rock” writer formerly known as The Teenage Glutster, and currently known as The Glutster. They discuss his mission to change the official punk rock food of Los Angeles from the Oki-dog to the taco; the reasons for the taco’s current […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E50: Something Like a Bohemia with William E. Jones

Colin Marshall sits down in Los Feliz with artist, filmmaker, and writer William E. Jones. They discuss what one learns by viewing a city through the prism of its gay porn; how Los Angeles gives away the least of itself in that form as in others; home he introduced Fred Halsted’s “gay porn masterpiece” L.A. Plays […]

Notebook on Cities and Culture S4E49: The Micro and the Macro with Noé Montes

Colin Marshall sits down in Koreatown with Noé Montes, photographer and publisher of El Aleph Books. They discuss what MacArthur Park, that place “beyond any laws or organization,” means to him; what difference the much-discussed light of Los Angeles makes for a photographer; the city’s sunsets, beaches, palm trees, and the ultimate fact of its […]