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The Korea Tour Kickstarts now — 한국에 갑시다!

지금은 Kickstarter Drive가 시작됐어요!

The Kickstarter drive for Notebook on Cities and Culture‘s Korea Tour, that is, a whole season of in-depth interviews with cultural creators, internationalists, and observers of the urban scene all across South Korea, the most fascinating country in Asia today. We need only raise its $5,000 budget in a week, and it will begin immediately after season four ends (at its sixtieth-ish episode).

If you back the Korea Tour on Kickstarter, not only do you improve the chances of its happening, but you can get postcards from Korea, your project or message mentioned on the show, or even your very own copy of my textual and photographic Korea Diary, to appear in only the most limited of print runs.

For more details, just have a look at the Korea Tour’s Kickstarter page. 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 한국에 갑시다!

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