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Category Archives: The Marketplace of Ideas

From my interview archive: Charles Murray (2008), Jay Caspian Kang (2012), and “the Great Liberal Freakout of 2017”

This year, I’m listening again to selections from the archive of long-form interviews I conducted on the public radio program The Marketplace of Ideas and podcast Notebook on Cities and Culture between 2007 and 2015. This week I enjoyed an essay called “The Great Liberal Freakout of 2017,” and while reading it I realized I’d interviewed both its author, journalist […]

From my interview archive: consummate Los Angeles man of letters David L. Ulin (2008, 2011, 2012, 2015)

This year, I’m listening again to selections from the archive of long-form interviews I conducted on the public radio program The Marketplace of Ideas and podcast Notebook on Cities and Culture between 2007 and 2015. I took the path I took, such as it is, in large part because of book reviews — not articles that review books, but the standalone […]

From my interview archive: writer and entrepreneur Ben Casnocha (2007 and 2012)

This year, I’m listening again to selections from the archive of long-form interviews I conducted on the public radio program The Marketplace of Ideas and podcast Notebook on Cities and Culture between 2007 and 2015. More than a decade ago, I read a post by economist Tyler Cowen on Marginal Revolution — still one of my favorite blogs, and indeed […]

Hello 2012, goodbye Marketplace of Ideas

All good conversations, it seems, must come to an end. Late in 2010, I announced that, unless The Marketplace of Ideas reached 10,000 podcast subscribers by 2012, the show would come to an end. I regret to inform you that, in the choice between 10,000 or bust, we now have no choice to but to […]

The Marketplace of Ideas: into sound, food, performance, Japan, and the world city with Alan Nakagawa

This week on The Marketplace of Ideas, I talk to Alan Nakagawa; sound artist; visual artist; installation artist; founding member of Los Angeles’ long-running, multi-disciplinary, multi-ethnic, soon-to-be-dissolved arts collective Collage Ensemble; director of the experimental music Ear Meal webcast; L.A. Metro public art executive; member of Otonomiyaki, the Southern California Soundscape Ensemble and Ear Diorama […]

Probably coming in 2012 to an internet near you

Since it looks increasingly like The Marketplace of Ideas may well take its final bow at the end of this year, I’ve been cranking away in secret, developing the show’s potential replacement. While not at liberty to reveal much of importance, I can unveil its icon:     So stay tuned.

The Marketplace of Ideas: in Mexico City with David Lida

This week on The Marketplace of Ideas, recorded live on location in Mexico City, I talk to David Lida, author of First Stop in the New World, Las llaves de la ciudad, Travel Advisory: Stories of Mexico, and the blog Mostly Mexico City. A native New Yorker, Lida moved to Mexico City in 1990 — […]

The Marketplace of Ideas: to come to terms in L.A.

This week on The Marketplace of Ideas, I talk to Laurie Ochoa and Joe Donnelly, founding editors of the new Los Angeles literary journal Slake. The magazine, which has just released its third issue, combines fiction, poetry, essays, reportage, photography, and several different kinds of visual art into a regular exploration of Los Angeles from […]

The Marketplace of Ideas: ZBS Foundation President Thomas Lopez

Colin talks about creating radio fiction and humorously raising consciousness with Thomas Lopez, founder and president of the ZBS Foundation. This broadcast contains excerpts from the ZBS productions Dreams of the Amazon, Ruby and Two Minute Film Noir. You can download the MP3 here or on iTunes.